
The most crucial bit of data for real estate investors is the return on investment, also known as the ROI. Investors cannot determine how successful their property investment plans are without considering the many different types of ROI. Real estate investors, understandably, want to know what the typical return on investment in their location is in order to fully understand their own returns. This makes one wonder: what is the average return on investment on real estate in the United States?

In this informational blog post, we will discuss what is the average ROI for your rental property and how to calculate it.

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What is ROI?

Before we get into the specifics of the median return on investment, we must first define ROI. Average Return on investment is a real estate term that quantifies several aspects related to the profitability of an investment property, such as rental revenue and costs. This wide definition permits the use of a method to estimate the return on investment:

ROI = (Yearly Rental Income – Yearly Rental Expenses) ÷ Property Price

Here is a simple example to demonstrate how to estimate return on investment. What is the return on investment for a $325,000 single-family rental property with $3,500 in monthly rental revenue and $2,000 in yearly rental expenses?

$325,000 = 0.123 = 12.3 percent ROI = ($3,500 x 12 months – $2,000)

What is CAP Rate?

The capitalization rate, often known as the cap rate, is another way to assess return on investment. While CoC uses the amount invested to calculate returns, cap rate uses the amount spent to calculate ROI independent of the manner of financing. When evaluating rental properties for purchase, the cap rate is extremely beneficial. A return on investment property’s cap rate is determined as follows:

NOI = Cap Rate FMV or Property Price

The difference between a property’s rental revenue and costs is known as net operating income or NOI. The fair market value of a property is referred to as FMV.

Cap rate calculation is straightforward. Consider the following scenario: The NOI for a $325,000 home is $40,000. What is the company’s cap rate?

The company’s cap rate would be $40,000 / $325,000 = 0.123 = 12.3 percent.

real estate return on investment

Cash on Cash Return

The cash on cash return (CoC) formula is a variation of the return on investment formula. The entire amount of money involved in a property replaces the property price. In addition, unlike the typical return on investment calculation, cash on cash returns use yearly pre-tax cash flow rather than the gap between rental revenue and costs.

Total Cash Invested CoC = Annual Pre-tax Cash Flow

What is the cost of a property that costs $325,000 but only has $125,000 invested in it and earns $20,000 in cash flow?

$20,000 x $125,000 = 0.16 = 16 percent CoC

The value of a return on investment asset has no bearing on cash flow. It solely considers the amount that was invested in the property at the time. This makes the statistic particularly precise for real estate investors when calculating a rental property’s returns at that moment in time.

What’s the Average annual return on investment?

We can now address this point: what is the average annual return on investment in the United States now that we’ve examined the various types of ROI? The median return on investment in the US property market is 8.6%, according to the S&P 500 Index. Rental property investment techniques affect the average return on investment. Residential properties have an average annual return of 10.6 percent, commercial properties have a 9.5 percent average return, and REITs have an 11.8 percent average return.

Knowing the national average return on an investment property is extremely useful for comparing your return on investment properties. If you want a more accurate comparison, look into the typical ROI, cost of capital, and cap rate for your specific area. This allows you to account for a variety of factors that affect returns, including region, market, investment property type, property investing tactics, and more.

average return on real estate

Single-Family Real Estate Investments

The returns on single-family homes are often poor. From 1890 to 2005, the average home increased in value by only 1% per year after inflation, according to the widely respected Case-Schiller Index of Home Values. The returns on owning rental property in and around costly cities like San Francisco are generally low because many of them have negligible or negative cash flow.

A single-family property in the United States costs $1,742 a month, or $20,904 annually. The average net return on a single-family rental is $10,637. Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island have the fewest available rental homes. At 59.3%, the West part of the State has the lowest homeownership percentage.


Real estate investment trusts are similar to mutual funds, but instead of stock, they invest in commercial real estate. Investing in REITs may provide you with a well-balanced investment portfolio without needing to spend thousands of millions or even billions of dollars. REITs delivered an average return of 10.91% for 20 years ending on December 31, 2011, according to a REIT index published by the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries.

When compared to other forms of real estate investments, REITs had the greatest 30-year return on investment, according to one research study. The REIT was created in 1960 as part of the Cigar Excise Tax Extension, and it became popular in the 1980s and 1990s. 

Residential real estate

Many private investors assess their returns using income capitalization rates, sometimes known as cap rates. You split an estate’s net operating income with its acquisition price to get a cap rate. Whilst cap rate isn’t the most precise or thorough valuation tool, it’s incredibly common and provides a solid overall picture of how an asset is performing. Property types and locations have different cap rate goals.

Residential property is a less risky investment than commercial property, with constant decent returns. The overall net 1-year ROI on a typical single-family house is $5,082.23. Homes in the suburbs provide much higher returns than those in the city. For taxes and regulatory purposes, guesthouses and Airbnbs may be deemed residential real estate.

average roi on real estate

How can You Find Properties with above-average ROI?

Using a property investment estimator is one approach to locating properties with a better return on investment than the average. An investment property estimator looks for assets based on the information given by the investor and statistics collected by predictive modeling. The calculator may also customize searches depending on budget, investment plan, and the amount of the number of bedrooms needed. 

You’re not alone if you’ve been considering putting your money into the real estate market but haven’t yet done so. It’s important to take the time to really consider where your money should go.

If you’re not a professional investor, the world of investment might feel like a maze. Because it’s so difficult, many individuals put their into money market deposit accounts, where it’s subject to high inflation. They’re losing money on their account instead of making it.

Individual real estate investing is unquestionably more difficult than investing as a group. You must still educate yourself, make sound judgments, and know where to invest your money in the vast world of real estate. It might be intimidating if you aren’t an expert in the industry.

However, when you invest with Peoples Capital Group, you can be assured that your money is going where it should be. We’ll provide you with the most historically reliable investment alternative money can buy using our knowledge.

Contact us today and start investing and growing your wealth!

Aaron Fragnito

Aaron Fragnito

Aaron has been helping people invest in Real Estate for over 10 years. He is a Co-Founder of Peoples Capital Group (PCG) a real estate investment and holding company. He is a full time real estate investor, as well as, the host of the New Jersey Real Estate Network and host of the Passive Cash Flow Podcast. Aaron has previously completed over 100 real estate transactions as a realtor and another 150 transactions in his current role as a real estate investor.

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